• Past Present
    Our very own Peter and Jen Hood bring history to life with their carefully researched first person interpretation of actual historic characters. Ideal for schools, education or special events.

  • Tewkesbury Medieval Festival
    Europe's largest free annual medieval battle re-enactment and fayre.

  • Medieval Warfare
    aspects of warfare and arms in Medieval Europe. Illustrated techniques and practices in castle sieges, battle, mêlées and jousts, cross referenced to battlefields, castles and original source documents. Includes information on armour, weaponry and siege engines.

  • Pewter Replicas
    Steve Millingham sells a comprehensive range of historical pewter replicas from the medieval, Tudor and Stuart periods.

  • HistoriaVivens
    A colourful site packed with information about multi period Living History and reenactment Europe wide.

  • La Maisnie de Kistreberh
    A French living history group concentrating on the late 14th early 15th century (Hundred Years War) period.

  • Historic UK
    The History and Heritage Accommodation Guide. An interesting site, packed with information on historic holiday accommodation, living history and re-enactment groups, historic traders markets, history in general and much more.

  • Coelestibus Auspiciis
    A Flemish speaking re-enactment group, based in Flanders. Website has many photographs of their past events.

  • Academia de Esgrima Histórica
    Historical Fencing Academy, Portugal.

  • Companhia Livre
    The website of our colleagues, The Free Company, in Portugal. A colourful and informative site, well illustrated with lots of photographs.

  • Medievalists.net
    A very interesting website, packed with a wealth of information and articles about Medieval England

  • The National Trust
    Home to thousands of beautifully preserved sites and properties across the UK. Many of which hold secrets and insights into Britain's colourful medieval past.

  • The Battle of Evesham
    A great website detailing the historic events of the Battle of Evesham and its 2015 reenactment, marking the 750th anniversary of the battle.

  • The Scriptorium
    The Scriptorium is a site dedicated to all things medieval, from recipes, cutting quills and heraldry through re-enactment groups and suppliers of medieval items.
